PaNDA for Kids - Physiotherapy and Neuro Developmental Assessments

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118 Maribyrnong Rd, Moonee Ponds, 3039 Vic, Australia

Mon-Fri: 09:00 - 17:00

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Tummy time – what’s all the fuss?

Parents of newborn babies will often hear from health professionals about the importance
of Tummy time.
Why is Tummy time important and what does it actually look like?
Why is Tummy Time important?

  • Helps babies to strengthen their neck muscles, particularly the muscles on the back
    of their neck, to support them in developing head control – to be able to hold their
    heads up by themselves
  • Provides a wonderful position to play (Link to article)– initially watching you and
    their surroundings, then using their hands to play
  • Helps to avoid a head preference and head moulding, or Plagiocephaly (Link to
  • Allows for a progression of their gross motor skills – such as moving or crawling on
    their tummy as they grow

What does Tummy Time look like?
Keep it short
Babies will tire quickly and may only last a minute or so. Watch for any cues that they have
had enough
Ease them into the position
Roll baby onto their tummy from their back, slowly
Make it interesting
Babies love looking at your face (or that of a sibling!) or try a mirror or a high contrast toy
Use your body
Baby lying on your chest and looking up at your face is a lovely option!
Carrying and cuddles
Try carrying baby on their tummy, supported on your forearm
Using a supportive baby carrier, chest to chest, counts too!
Water play
Support baby on their tummy in the swimming pool, there is so much to look at! Just watch
closely to ensure they keep their mouth out of the water
What to do if you’re still unsure?
If your baby is still not loving tummy time or you are concerned at all, a Paediatric
Physiotherapist at PaNDA for kids can provide expert assessment and specific strategies for
you and your baby.

Alana Randall, B. App. Sci. (physio); Mast. Physio
Paediatric Physiotherapist



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